Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Is that you T-Rex?

littlebirdOur travels through the John Day Fossil beds in Oregon earlier this month including seeing fossils of wonderful animals lived on this earth 45 million, 20 million, 10 thousand years ago but became extinct. It came to me that our anxiety about global warming is perhaps really a concern about the possibility of human extinction, for certainly the earth is not at risk -- but rather the conditions we need to survive.

Consider the smylodonts, cynodonts, Macrauchenia, Wooly Rhinos. They were amazing! And they're all gone. If T-Rex made it, he now looks like this sparrow. I guess extinction is actually not such a dishonorable end. If humans do cease to exist on this earth, we'll be in glorious company.

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Serena from Sioux City

Serena from Sioux City
Flying Wow-Wows are handsewn from dupioni silk while I fly around the country for work and to be with family