Saturday, November 8, 2008

Now Showing -- Down to the River

Life flows like a river and we, in our little life boats, drift around its winding blue curves, meander through sunlit flood plains, defy frothy rapids, and survive perilous waterfalls. We also needlessly race downstream, hopelessly struggle upstream, dive to great depths, hit bottom, drag bottom, float lazily in groups or drown alone.

In the end, we find there’s no escaping life’s journey. But we can face each day with dignity and grace. We can stand tall, play the hand (or instrument) we are given, and head Down to the River to embrace life on life’s terms. In these choices lie truth, beauty and blessings.

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Serena from Sioux City

Serena from Sioux City
Flying Wow-Wows are handsewn from dupioni silk while I fly around the country for work and to be with family